Active Surveillance: The Sweet Smell of Success - YouTube Top Swedish urologist Ola Bratt, MD, the speaker at the ASPI webinar on Oct. 30, a consultant urological surgeon at the Prostate Cancer Centre, Sahlgrenska University Hospital Gothenburg, Sweden, said research is clear that men can co-exist with Gleason 6 cancers because they are indolent and virtually never metastasize or spread. He stresses that these cancer cells are not dangerous. Dr. Bratt, chairman of the Swedish National Prostate Cancer Guidelines Group and who also chairs the committee preparing for a national screening program for prostate cancer, has developed over the years a kinder, gentler way to break the news. He said he tells them: “You have no cancer that needs to be treated.” That statement takes the shock out of the diagnosis. So active surveillance, close monitoring of the cancer, has been a hit in Sweden among men with very low-risk disease. M...