Artemisinin anti-cancer protocol | CANCERactive
Artemisinin anti-cancer protocol | CANCERactive Artemisinin anti-cancer protocol | CANCERactive CANCERactive 6–8 minutes Here we describe an anti-cancer protocol using the natural herb artemisinin (from sweet wormwood) plus supplemental iron, vitamins C, D and a restricted diet and increased exercise on patients with cancer, developed by Doctors and Professors from Washington University from their research studies, (research review by Chris Woollams; references at end of article). Artemisinin bound to ferritin iron Artemisinin is a natural compound that reacts with iron to form free radicals which can kill cells. Cancer cells require and uptake a large amount of iron to proliferate. They are more susceptible to the cytotoxic effect of artemisinin than normal cells. These statements came from a s...