Overall survival and second primary malignancies in men with metastatic prostate cancer

Overall survival and second primary malignancies in men with metastatic prostate cancer: Background Among prostate cancer (PC) patients, over 90% of distant metastases occur in the bone. PC treatments may be associated with side effects, including second primary malignancies (SPM). There is limited information on the incidence of SPM among men with bone metastatic PC (mPC) and among men with bone metastatic castration-resistant PC (mCRPC). We estimated overall survival and the incidence of SPM in men with mPC and mCRPC. Methods In the Prostate Cancer data Base Sweden, the National Prostate Cancer Register was linked to other national health care registers, 15,953 men with mPC in 1999–2011 were identified. Further, 693 men with mCRPC were identified. Outcomes were evaluated using stratified incidence rates, Kaplan-Meier estimators and Cox models. Results The mean age among men with mPC was 73.9 years and in men with mCRPC 70.0 years. The median respective survivals were 1.5 (13,965 deaths) and 1.14 years (599 deaths), and average times since PC diagnosis 1.8 and 4.7 years. We observed 2,669 SPMs in men with mPC and 100 SPMs in men with mCRPC. The incidence rate of SPM per 1,000 person-years was 81.8 (78.8–85.0) for mPC and 115.6 (95.1–140.7) for mCRPC. High age, pri


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