A Phase I Trial of Salvage Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy for Radiorecurrent Prostate Cancer After Brachytherapy - ScienceDirect
A Phase I Trial of Salvage Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy for Radiorecurrent Prostate Cancer After Brachytherapy - ScienceDirect
Isolated local failure (LF) after definitive radiotherapy for prostate cancer has the potential to significantly impact long-term disease-specific survival [1, 2]. Prior prospective trials have reported heterogeneous long-term rates of LF from approximately 1% [3] to 30%[4]. In part, this heterogeneity is explained by both the poor sensitivity of clinical examination and the poor specificity of a post-treatment biopsy to diagnose local failure, especially at early post-treatment timepoints[5]. In addition, treatment factors such as the receipt of androgen deprivation therapy (ADT)[6] and radiation dose[4, 7] have also been shown to substantially impact the rate of LF.
As a result of rapid dose fall off, brachytherapy allows for the delivery of higher integral doses of radiation than external beam radiotherapy (EBRT), while simultaneously maintaining an acceptable safety profile. Prostate brachytherapy can be highly effective with a low prevalence of local recurrence[8]. In the subset of patients with biochemical recurrence (BCR), LF in the anterior prostate and/or seminal vesicle is often identified [9].
There is no universally accepted standard of care for the optimal management of LF after brachytherapy. Recent analyses have identified salvage stereotactic body radiotherapy (SBRT) as a viable treatment option for patients with a local recurrence after prior EBRT, but the optimal SBRT dose and corresponding toxicity profile for salvage SBRT after brachytherapy remains unknown. Here, we report a phase I, dose escalation trial with the primary intention to identify the maximum tolerable dose (MTD) of salvage SBRT after prior brachytherapy with key secondary objectives to profile objective toxicity and treatment efficacy.
NCT03253744 was a phase I trial designed to identify the MTD of image-guided, dose-escalated, salvage SBRT for isolated local radiorecurrence. All participants provided informed consent, and the trial was conducted with approval from the institutional review board of the **************************. The trial included two parallel cohorts. The first, reported previously [***], enrolled patients with local recurrence after EBRT, and the second, reported here, enrolled patients after prior brachytherapy.
Eligible patients had BCR prostate cancer (defined by the Phoenix criteria [10]) and a biopsy-verified, intraprostatic recurrence with or without seminal vesicle (SV) invasion. Additional eligibility criteria included age ≥18 and ECOG performance status ≤1. Exclusion criteria included ongoing grade 3 or higher toxicities from prior RT, prior prostatectomy, distant metastases, or recurrence within one year of prior brachytherapy. All patients underwent staging with a multiparametric MRI (mpMRI), 18F-NaF PET/CT or 99mTc-MDP bone scan, and 18F-DCFPyL PET/CT.
The protocol was designed to treat patients on one of three dose levels: 40Gy (DL1), 42.5Gy (DL2), and 45Gy (DL3) in 5 fractions delivered over 10-12 days (Supplemental Table 1) while simultaneously delivering a dose of 30 Gy in 5 fractions to the whole prostate. Due to excellent biochemical control on DL1 and DL2 accompanied by a high incidence of late Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events (CTCAE) v5.0 grade (G) 2 (i.e., non-dose limiting toxicity [non-DLT]) genitourinary (GU) toxicities, the trial was amended to halt escalation at DL2.
The gross tumor volume (GTV) was defined using simulation CT, multiparametric MRI (mpMRI), which included T2-weighted MRI (T2W), diffusion weighted imaging (DWI)/ apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC), and dynamic contrast enhanced (DCE) sequences, 18F-DCFPyL PET/CT (i.e., a PSMA-based PET/CT), and systematic and targeted biopsy mapping. The GTVs were contoured collaboratively by the treating radiation oncologist and a GU-specialized radiologist to include the union of the volumes identified on 18F-DCFPyL PET/CT and MRI that were all pathologically confirmed with targeted biopsy. The planning target volume (PTVTumor) was a 3mm expansion beyond the GTV posteriorly and superiorly and up to 5mm in all other directions. ADT was utilized in a single instance due to a COVID 19-related treatment delay. Additional details are provided in Supplemental Table 2. The V110% of the PTVTumor (PTVTumor receiving ≥110% of the prescription dose) was limited to <5%. Planning constraints per protocol included a maximum dose (Dmax) less than 100%, 105%, and 105% of the prescription dose for the rectal wall outside of the PTVProstate, bladder wall, and urethra, respectively (Supplemental Table 3).
Subjects were followed for 24 months after completion of SBRT on trial with serial PSA measurements. BCR was defined by the Phoenix criteria [10]. Adverse events (AEs) were classified using the CTCAE v5.0 and were scored weekly during treatment through 1 month, and thereafter at 3-month intervals for 24 months and PSA measurements for disease monitoring were conducted on the same schedule. Post-treatment imaging (MRI and 18F-DCFPyL PET/CT) was obtained at 6 months for exploratory response assessment.
The primary objective was to determine the MTD for mpMRI- and 18F-DCFPyL PET/CT-guided salvage SBRT. Dose escalation followed a 3+3 design[11, 12]. Dose limiting toxicities (DLTs) were defined: (1) treatment delays of ≥1 week due to toxicity, (2) persistent (>4 days) acute ≥G3 gastrointestinal (GI) or GU toxicity or other in-field toxicity occurring during or within 3 weeks of treatment completion, or (3) ≥G3 GU or ≥G4 GI toxicity thereafter. Secondary objectives included a characterization of biochemical progression free survival (bPFS). Exploratory objectives included descriptions of (1) dosimetric predictors of toxicity, (2) PSA kinetics, (3) baseline imaging (mpMRI and 18F-DCFPyL PET/CT), and (4) 6-month post-treatment imaging response. A full description of these objectives is included in the Supplemental Methods.
All radiologic assessments were made by nuclear medicine physicians and radiologists with expertise in 18F-DCFPyL PET/CT and prostate MRI interpretation, respectively. Paired Wilcoxon testing was conducted to compare baseline and 6-month post-treatment imaging. P-values<0.05 were considered statistically significant for all reported hypothesis testing. As these analyses were exploratory in nature, no adjustment for multiple comparisons was made.
Patient Characteristics
Nine patients with BCR at a median of 8.2 years (min-max: 3.7-11.0 years) after prior brachytherapy were enrolled. At initial diagnosis, all patients had low (56%) or intermediate-risk (44%) prostate cancer. Most were treated with low dose rate (LDR) brachytherapy (103Pd [n=5/9], 125I [n=2/9],131Cs [n=1/9]) and most without EBRT (n=8/9). Additional patient characteristics are summarized in Table 1.
Table 1. Baseline Characteristics
Category | n (%) |
Race | |
Black | 1 (11.1%) |
White | 8 (88.9%) |
Age at Initial Diagnosis | |
Mean (SD) | 60.9 (5.57) |
Median [Min, Max] | 63.8 [52.1, 68.4] |
Time from Diagnosis to Study Entry | |
Mean (SD) | 7.29 (2.69) |
Median [Min, Max] | 8.15 [3.67, 11.0] |
T-stage at Initial Diagnosis | |
T1c | 8 (88.9%) |
T2a | 1 (11.1%) |
PSA Prior to Initial Brachytherapy | |
Mean (SD) | 7.55 (4.18) |
Median [Min, Max] | 5.40 [4.10, 15.2] |
ISUP Grade at Diagnosis | |
GG1 | 5 (55.6%) |
GG2 | 3 (33.3%) |
GG3 | 1 (11.1%) |
GG4 | 0 (0%) |
GG5 | 0 (0%) |
NCCN Risk Group at Diagnosis | |
Low Risk | 5 (55.6%) |
Favorable Intermediate Risk | 2 (22.2%) |
Unfavorable Intermediate Risk | 2 (22.2%) |
High Risk | 0 (0%) |
Isotope Utilized During Initial Brachytherapy | |
131Cs | 1 (11.1%) |
125I | 2 (22.2%) |
192Ir | 1 (11.1%) |
103Pd | 4 (44.4%) |
103Pd + EBRT | 1 (11.1%) |
Absorbed Dose (Gy) of Initial Treatment | |
Mean (SD) | 116 (36.2) |
Median [Min, Max] | 125 [27.0, 145] |
RT Volume of Initial Treatment | |
Prostate Only | 8 (88.9%) |
Prostate and Seminal Vesicles | 0 (0%) |
Prostate, Seminal Vesicles, and Pelvic LNs | 1 (11.1%) |
Age at Study Entry | |
Mean (SD) | 68.2 (5.33) |
Median [Min, Max] | 68.8 [59.9, 77.1] |
PSA Prior to Salvage SBRT | |
Mean (SD) | 6.03 (5.52) |
Median [Min, Max] | 3.10 [2.10, 19.5] |
Baseline AUA International Prostate Symptom Score | |
Mean (SD) | 8.78 (6.53) |
Median [Min, Max] | 7 [2, 20] |
ISUP Grade at Relapse | |
GG1 | 0 (0%) |
GG2 | 3 (33.3%) |
GG3 | 1 (11.1%) |
GG4 | 0 (0%) |
GG5 | 2 (22.2%) |
Recurrent Adenocarcinoma with Treatment Effect | 3 (33.3%) |
Salvage Treatment Included Seminal Vesicles | |
No | 6 (66.7%) |
Yes | 3 (33.3%) |
ADT with Salvage SBRT | |
None | 8 (88.9%) |
Short Term | 1 (11.1%) |
Abbreviations: SD, Standard deviation; ISUP, International Society of Urological Pathology; RT, radiotherapy; GG, Grade Group; NCCN, National Comprehensive Cancer Network; EBRT, External beam radiation therapy; PSA, Prostate-specific antigen; ADT, Androgen deprivation therapy; NOS, Not otherwise specified; SBRT, Stereotactic body radiation therapy; AUA, American Urological Association
Treatment Volumes
Eleven MRI-defined, biopsy-confirmed, GTVs were treated in the 9 patients. Approximately half of GTVs arose from the peripheral zone (PZ, 58%), and the remainder arose from the transition zone (TZ, 25%) or the SV (17%). Half of the lesions involved the base and one-third of lesions involved the mid-gland and apex each. Eight of nine patients were treated with a single boost volume due to overlap of the tumor PTVs in patients with more than one lesion. The median GTV was 8.3cc (min-max: 0.2-16.4cc), and the median PTVTumor was 19.0cc (min-max: 1.3-32.9cc).
Primary Objective, Toxicity, and Quality of Life
The MTD was considered to be 42.5Gy in 5 fractions (DL2). No grade 3-5 AEs related to study treatment were observed, and, thus, no DLTs occurred during the trial observation period (median: 21 months, IQR: 16-24 months). Overall, GU toxicities were more common than GI toxicities with a 100% cumulative incidence of G2 GU toxicities and 22% (95% confidence interval [CI], 55%-100%) cumulative incidence of G2 GI at 24 months (Figure 1A,C). This corresponded to all patients on DL1 and DL2 encountering a maximum of G2 GU toxicity and 67% and 17% of patients on DL1 and DL2 encountering a maximum of G1 and G2 GI toxicity (Supplemental Table 4), which is further detailed by adverse event in Supplemental Table 5. Furthermore, GU toxicities were longer in duration than GI toxicities with a median duration of 289 days (min-max:144-614) versus 6 days (min-max: 1-165) (Figure 1B,D). The most common GU toxicities were urinary tract pain/dysuria (G1), noninfective cystitis (G2), and urinary frequency (G2), occurring in 6 (67%), 6 (67%), and 4 (44%) of patients, respectively. These objective toxicities translated into a numerical worsening in urinary quality of life with a peak at approximately 9-12 months post-salvage (Supplemental Figure 1).

Figure 1. Cumulative incidence (A, C) and individual patient level (B, D) CTCAE v5.0 GU (A, B) and GI (C, D) toxicity outcomes considered to be possibly, probably, or definitely related to salvage SBRT. The single biochemical failure event in patient 4 is demarcated with an “x”.
Abbreviations: CTCAE: Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events; SBRT: Stereotactic body radiation therapy; GU: Genitourinary; GI: GastrointestinalContradicting the hypothesis that dose exposure from salvage SBRT to the rectum was related to GI toxicity, patients without ≥G2 GI toxicity had higher median rectal exposure on the metrics studied (DMax, D1cc, D2cc, D15%, and D20%) than did patients who did (Supplemental Figure 2). Given that all patients in this trial cohort had the same maximum GU toxicity, the hypothesis that radiation exposure of the urethra or bladder related to the severity of GU toxicity was inevaluable.
Disease Control
Patients were followed for a median of 22 months (IQR, 20-43 months) after enrollment for biochemical progression free survival (bPFS). The 12-month and 24-month bPFS were 100% and 86% (95% CI, 63%-100%), respectively. A single BCR event was observed at 20 months post treatment. Radiologic assessment suggested an isolated regional recurrence with subtle abnormalities in a perirectal lymph node. No clinical evidence of local failure was noted with a negative mpMRI and PSMA-based PET/CT demonstrating only an area of mild intraprostatic 18F-DCFPyL avidity which corresponded to benign prostate on pre-salvage biopsy.
PSA Kinetics
The PSA nadir was ≤0.2ng/mL in 7 of 8 of the patients who achieved a PSA nadir during the observation period. The median time-to-nadir was 12 months (95% confidence interval [CI]: 6 months – not reached). The single patient with BCR after treatment had the highest nadir PSA (1.8ng/mL) which was reached at 12 months. The median time-to-nadir was numerically shorter for subjects who did not receive a complete response (CR) 18F-DCFPyL PET/CT than those who did (9.1 vs 12.3 months, log-rank p-value=0.6). No transient rises (i.e.,“PSA bounces”) were observed. PSA kinetics are detailed in Figure 2.

Figure 2. Individual and mean PSA kinetics for the entire population (panels A and D, respectively), patients with a complete response (CR) on 6-month post-treatment 18F-DCFPyL PET/CT (panels B and E, respectively), and patients with a partial response (PR) on 6-month post-treatment 18F-DCFPyL PET/CT (panels C and F, respectively).
Abbreviations: BF: Biochemical failure; SBRT: Stereotactic body radiation therapy; CR: Complete Response; PR: Partial Response; PSA: Prostate specific antigen; 18F-DCFPyL: 2-(3-{1-carboxy-5-[(6-18F-fluoro-pyridine-3- carbonyl)-amino]-pentyl}-ureido)-pentanedioic acid; PET: Positron emission tomographyMRI Outcomes
At baseline, the median maximum axial dimension (MRIMax) was 1.7cm(min-max: 0.7-3.5cm) and median GTVMRI was 1.5cc(min-max: 0.3-6.3cc). A significant reduction in both metrics was observed between baseline and 6 months post-salvage (p-values <0.01; Figure 3A-B). A qualitative analysis of each lesion on a binary (positive or negative) or ternary scale (positive, slightly positive, or negative) showed a decrease in imaging signature in 50% (6/12), 92% (11/12), and 82% (9/11) for T2W (Figure 3C), DWI/ADC (Figure 3D), and DCE (Figure 3E), respectively. The single patient with BCR (Figure 3; box icon) was observed to have treatment response in all size (MRIMax and GTVMRI) and qualitative metrics studied.

Figure 3. Imaging response on 6-month MRI and 18F-DCFPyL PET/CT in (A) a patient with complete response on both imaging and (B) a patient with evidence of persistent disease at 6 months post salvage SBRT. Maximum linear measurements (MRIMax) are shown with a line on MRIs and GTVPSMA are delineated with a dotted circle on PET/CTs. Treatment planning MRIs are shown with the treatment planning GTV described and delineated in red. The planned dose is shown in color wash from 20-42.5Gy as noted in the legend.
Abbreviations: T2W, T2-weighted MRI; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; 18F-DCFPyL, 2-(3-{1-carboxy-5-[(6-18F-fluoro-pyridine-3- carbonyl)-amino]-pentyl}-ureido)-pentanedioic acid; PET, Positron emission tomography; CT, Computed tomography; SBRT, Stereotactic body radiation therapy; GTV, Gross tumor volume; SUV, Standardized Uptake ValuePET/CT Response
Amongst treated lesions there was a wide variability in SUVMax (median 15.7, min-max: 3.8-30.3; Figure 4A), and SUVMean (median: 10.9, min-max: 2.8 to 16.2; Figure 4B) at baseline. Similarly, the Total Lesion PSMA and GTVPSMA are summarized in Figure 4C-D. The distribution of each PET metric was observed to have a significant reduction at 6 months from baseline (all p<0.01), as all but one lesion demonstrated response on all parameters (Figure 4A-D). This lesion was noted to have slight growth of the GTVPSMA at 6-month PET/CT (0.24 to 0.36cc; Figure 4D). Exploratory analyses confirmed that this trend was replicated independent of contour technique (gradient edge-based vs. 40% isocontour) and reconstruction technique (attenuation corrected [AC] vs. Q.Clear) for each metric with the exception of GTV response when utilizing a gradient edge-based contour technique on a Q.Clear reconstruction (p=0.05).

Figure 4. MRI imaging response by (A) MRIMax (B) GTVMRI, (C) qualitative T2-weighted (T2W) image score, (D) qualitative DWI/ADC score, and (E) qualitative dynamic contrast enhancement (DCE) score. Qualitative scores were determined by a genitourinary-specialized prostate radiology. A ternary scale (negative [0], slightly positive [0.5], and positive [1]) was used to interpret T2W and DWI/ADC MRI, whereas a binary score (negative [0] or positive [1]) was used for DCE imaging. The single patient with biochemical failure had response on all MRI metrics as shown with a box icon (☐).
Abbreviations: T2W, T2-weighted MRI; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; DWI, Diffusion weighted imaging; ADC, Apparent diffusion coefficient; DCE, Dynamic contrast enhancement MRI; 18F-DCFPyL, 2-(3-{1-carboxy-5-[(6-18F-fluoro-pyridine-3- carbonyl)-amino]-pentyl}-ureido)-pentanedioic acid; PET, Positron emission tomography; CT, Computed tomography; GTV, Gross tumor volumeMRI and PET/CT Comparison at Baseline and 6 months
All lesions were identified on both modalities. Overall, the GTVPSMA underestimated the radiographic extent of disease relative to MRI at baseline. At baseline, there was a positive correlation of GTVMRI with GTVPSMA for all methods of GTVPSMA contour; however, this relationship only reached statistical significance for GTVPSMA contoured via the gradient edge method on the attenuation corrected (AC) PET reconstruction (Supplemental Figure 3A). In contrast, the GTVMRI was poorly representative of the GTVPSMA at the 6-month timepoint with GTVMRI explaining less than 15% of the variance in GTVPSMA, which was due in part to the differential rate of complete radiographic response noted between these two modalities (Supplemental Figure 3B).
The optimal management for patients with isolated local failure (LF) after definitive brachytherapy remains unknown. Several options have been proposed for the management of local radiorecurrence including a variety of curative options – salvage prostatectomy [13], focal therapy [14], and curative re-irradiation with EBRT[15, 16], brachytherapy[17, 18], or SBRT[19-22] – or surveillance with ADT at the time of rapid biochemical or clinical progression[23]. A recent meta-analysis has suggested that salvage re-irradiation may provide the best therapeutic index of these options in patients with local radiorecurrence [24], thus driving enthusiasm for this curative strategy. These conclusions are drawn mainly from the study of post-EBRT failures, and to our knowledge, while a single retrospective report exists [25], no prospective trials specific to post-brachytherapy salvage SBRT have been reported. Here we report the first such trial in patients with post-brachytherapy LF with the primary objective to identify the maximum tolerable re-irradiation dose via focally-dose-escalated SBRT.
Since no DLTs were observed at the treated dose levels, the maximum tolerated focal boost dose was considered 42.5Gy in 5 fractions (DL2) delivered to the PTVTumor (GTVMRI ⋃ PSMA+3-5mm) with the simultaneous integrated delivery of 30Gy in 5 fractions to the whole prostate. Further dose escalation was halted via a trial amendment due to the observed prevalence and duration of G2 GU toxicities in the setting of reassuring early biochemical control, as it was felt that the risk for further dose escalation far outweighed the potential benefit. Overall, the toxicity profile of this treatment was biased towards a higher incidence and longer duration GU AEs compared to GI AEs. Broadly speaking, this reflects the trend observed in several prior studies of salvage whole gland [19, 20] and focal RT[21, 22] treatments for radiorecurrence, in which GU toxicities predominated. In first line EBRT approaches, the rectum is a dose limiting structure across fractionation schedules [26, 27], suggesting the possibility that the rectum would be dose limiting in salvage SBRT treatments. Although this may highlight challenges extrapolating observations from the first-line to the re-irradiation setting, it may also highlight concerns unique to this cohort of patients who having undergone initial management with brachytherapy may be differentially sensitive to further GU toxicities.
As no G3-5 toxicities were observed, G2 GU AEs represent the most severe toxicities in this trial. While only G2 in nature, these toxicities were often extended, persistent, and clinically significant. The lack of ≥G3 GU and GI toxicities observed was representative of prior reports of salvage SBRT for radiorecurrence as summarized in a recent meta-analysis[24]. The absolute rate of ≥G2 GU AEs was higher in this trial than in several prior reports of salvage re-irradiation[19-22]. This may have been due to several factors including (1) the focal “boost” dose utilized, (2) the simultaneous delivery of a whole gland dose, and (3) the specific cohort under study (e.g., post-brachytherapy). The focal boost dose utilized in this trial corresponds to the highest equivalent dose in 2Gy fractions (EQD2) of all published, prospective reports of prostate re-irradiation. In fact, the whole gland dose alone was similar to the treatment employed in prior reports of salvage RT[19, 28], and thus, the observed incidence of toxicity may be related to total exposure to both the prostate and regional organs-at-risk resultant from the simultaneous treatment of the two dose volumes. It is possible that focal treatment alone, as previously recommended [29], may have decreased toxicity in this series, although it is possible that this may also have lowered the observed efficacy of the treatment regimen.
The rationale of focal dose-escalation in this study was based on the known relationship between dose-escalation and biochemical control for prostate cancer[7, 30-32] and the hypothesis that dose escalation would be important to sterilize radiorecurrent prostate cancer. While the aforementioned re-irradiation studies[19-22] had maximum prescription doses of ≤70Gy3 EQD2 delivered to the whole gland or tumor-bearing subregion, the lowest dose level in the present trial corresponded to a higher dose of 88Gy3 EQD2 delivered to the PTVTumor with a whole gland dose of 54Gy3 EQD2. This suggests the possibility that the observed rate of toxicity may be related to focal dose-escalation. While in some cases a focal boost may be delivered without an increase in toxicity as observed in the first-line treatment setting[33], it may have the potential to increase toxicity in the salvage setting.
Similar to prior studies[28], no clear predictors of toxicity were detected in part based on the size of this trial cohort. Further investigation is required to identify the predictors of toxicity in this setting for the unique patient population under study (post-brachytherapy). Patient selection via the exclusion of candidates who exceed a pre-defined threshold of baseline symptom burden, as previously utilized[18, 19, 34], remains an important element of selecting optimal candidates for re-irradiation. Further, the location and size of the local recurrence and proximity to organs-at-risk may also impact the capacity to safely deliver SBRT in the post-brachytherapy setting.
Patients were carefully selected not only by baseline symptom burden, but also by strict imaging criteria. All patients enrolled were required to have one or more imaging-defined recurrence verified by targeted biopsy. While patients were required to have an imaging-detected focus of recurrence, the two dose level treatment paradigm utilized here was devised to deliver a prophylactic dose to the whole gland to account for the possibility of any additional foci of recurrent disease not detected on imaging. This consideration was especially pertinent for this patient population given the possibility of MRI artifact related to indwelling brachytherapy seeds[35]. Prior studies have found that mpMRI alone may have suboptimal reliability and moderate positive predictive value in the evaluation of local recurrence after radiotherapy[36] due to artifacts caused by brachytherapy seeds and changes in the signal characteristics of the gland post-irradiation[37]. The utility of MR imaging may be improved by radiologist expertise[35], and thus, all imaging studies were interpreted by an expert, GU-specialized radiologist. Further, both mpMRI and PSMA-based PET/CT were utilized, and while all lesions were identified on both studies, mutual information was often required for accurate detection. PSMA-based PET/CT while helpful in many cases was not universally diagnostic with only 6 of 11 lesions (54%) having a signal-to-background ratio (i.e., SUVMax ratio of lesion to normal prostate) >2.
Finally, this study showed promising efficacy for salvage SBRT in the post-brachytherapy population. A single patient developed BCR during the follow-up period without evidence of local failure, and all other patients continued to have a deep PSA nadir (≤0.2 ng/mL) during the trial observation period. The biochemical control for this cohort was favorable as compared to recent meta-analytic estimates[24], despite the inclusion of patients with SV recurrences (n=3/9) which is a high-risk feature and has previously been suggested as an exclusionary criterion[38]. These favorable oncologic outcomes are likely a result of the superior in-field control resulting from the dose-escalated regimen administered as well as the careful selection of patients with without evidence of metastasis or out-of-field recurrence assessed by mpMRI, PSMA-based PET/CT, and biopsy mapping. The observation of early imaging response on MRI and PSMA-based PET/CT suggests the potential promise of these techniques for response assessment, although, given the lack of local failures observed, further study is needed to validate these imaging biomarkers of treatment efficacy.
The MTD for focal salvage SBRT for isolated intraprostatic radiorecurrence was 42.5Gy in 5 fractions when delivered in combination with a 30Gy whole gland dose, producing an 86% 24-month bPFS, with one biochemical failure at 19 months post salvage SBRT. The most frequent clinically significant toxicity was late ≥G2 GU toxicity, and minimal GI toxicity was observed. Multimodal radiologic assessment (PET/CT and mpMRI) was an important element of patient selection and target delineation given the difficulty of image interpretation after brachytherapy. Early response assessment at 6 months appeared to be feasible; however, further study is required to validate this early imaging biomarker of treatment response against long term outcomes.
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Uncited Floats

Figure 5. 18F-DCFPyL PET/CT response at 6 months from baseline on (A) SUVMax, (B) SUVMean, (C) Total Lesion PSMA (SUVMean × GTVPSMA), and (D) GTVPSMA. The single patient with biochemical failure is shown with a box icon (☐). All lesions were noted to produce response on all parameters with the exception of a single lesion which did not have GTVPSMA response. Mean values are denoted with a diamond (⬦) and outlying points on the distribution are denoted with a solid red dot.
Abbreviations: SUV, Standardized Uptake Value; bPFS, biochemical progression free survival, BF, biochemical failure; PSMA, Prostate-specific membrane antigen, GTV, Gross tumor volume
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